Wednesday, August 03, 2005

This is starting to taste bad.

Here's something interesting. The Detroit News page here has Marino Taylor (sound familiar?) with 2,218 votes or 0.3%

This page [WDIV Click on Detroit] has him at 8,717, almost as many as Maureen Taylor (that's our candidate).

If the WDIV page is with 100% reporting and the DetNews page is with 95.1% (which both pages do state), that means Marino picked up 75% of his vote in only 5% of the precincts. That's seems awfully extraordinary to me.

It could be just a typo in one of the web pages, like the names. Some candidates have their first name repeated.

Has anyone obtained any official results?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I shook 40,000 hands. It took over 1000 days of my life. I also had a platform that wasn't "fluffy" (i.e.: it mean't something). All that for 1,941 votes? Imagine how bad it tastes to me. Some of the candidates who made the cut, I saw NOWHERE. Monica Conyers in particular was nowhere to be seen. I am also told by pollworkers that they beleive votes had been manipulated. Does anyone really care. I should beat my head against the wall for better results.
Joe Holt