Southeastern Michigan Greens Get Together -- March 30 -- 2 - 5 pm
All Greens and their family, neighbors and friends are invited for a
Southeastern Michigan Greens get together.
Snacks provided. Those who want to can go out together for
dinner afterwards.
Kulick Community Center
1201 Livernois, Fendale MI 48220
(between 8 and 9 Mile Roads)
Proposed discussions include:
Discussion of the current political and economic situation in the nation,
state and locally and Green responses
The Cynthia McKinney Presidential Campaign
Information on the Ralph Nader Presidential campaign
Any other Green presidential campaigns
Targeting local and statewide races
Proposals for common work and actions
We will work up an agenda and times based on who is there and what they
want to talk about and work together on.
See you there.
Fred Vitale
State Chairperson
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Southeastern Michigan Greens Get Together, Sunday in Ferndale
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:57 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Support the Union of Part-Time Faculty at Wayne State University
An appeal to Union of Part-Time Faculty (UPTF) supporters:
In recent weeks, the Union of Part-Time Faculty at Wayne State
University has reached a critical juncture in our negotiations for our first contract that began in November 2007. The WSU administration has said "no" to job-security for our members, even those with many years of service to the university. Rather than recognizing longevity as a contractual basis for future employment, the administration has proposed a vague concept: "first consideration." As a replacement for the simple and democratic principle of seniority, first consideration is both inadequate and ill-defined. The UPTF has informed the administration that it will not accept a contract without serious job security provisions. The union is also dismayed by Wayne State's attempt to maintain 15 separate wage scales for instructors doing the same work.
To support the union's proposals, contact WSU President Irvin Reid and tell him that you support the fundamental right of job security and equal pay scales for UPTF members. If writing an email to Reid please cc it to:
For more information and/or background on the UPTF visit:
Thank you for your support.
In unity and solidarity,
The UPTF Union Council
Office of the President
Attention: President Irvin D. Reid
Wayne State University
4200 Faculty/Administration Building
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: (313) 577-2230 / Email:
Fax: (313) 577-3200
Letter to President Reid.pdf
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:17 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Detroit Demonstration Against the Wars at Home and Abroad - Saturday, March 15th
On the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq War March and Rally to Demand:
* Troops Out NOW! from Iraq & Afghanistan
* Money for Our Cities - Not for War!
* Stop the War on Palestine – End the Siege of Gaza
* U.S. Hands off Iran
The United States’ plans for global domination are being met by worldwide resistance.
· The occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are a military disaster.
· Iran – which threw out the U.S. installed dictator (the Shah) in 1979 – refuses to bend its knee to Washington and Wall Street, so Bush and Co. are threatening a new war.
· Israel, armed and directed by the United States, rains down death and destruction upon the Palestinians. Yet the Palestinian people continue to demand their right to a homeland and the right to return to their homes in Zionist Israel. In Gaza where the Palestinian people are subjected to a brutal siege – no food, water or electricity allowed in – over 500,000 Palestinians broke through huge border wall with Egypt to get supplies. This was the greatest jailbreak in history!
Saturday – March 15, 2008 – Noon
Gather at Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
(Woodward Ave. at E. Jefferson Ave, Detroit)
March up Woodward Avenue - 1:00 PM
Rally in Central United Methodist Church – 2:00 PM (Woodward Ave. at Adams St.)
Sponsored by: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
Posted by
Lou Novak
9:36 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Detroit Cynthia McKinney for President March Meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday March 12 Meeting Reminder
The Detroit Cynthia McKinney for President Meetup
Your Meetup has a meeting Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00PM!
The Detroit Cynthia McKinney for President March Meeting
Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00PM
Cass Cafe
4601 Cass Ave
Detroit MI 48201
*Fred Vitale*
/Organizer of The Detroit Cynthia McKinney for President Meetup/
The Detroit Cynthia McKinney for President March Meeting
Posted by
Lou Novak
6:17 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Join American Axle workers on the picket line today
Detroit Greens and other supporters will join the
striking American Axle workers on the picket line today,
Monday March 10 from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.
Meet at:
UAW Local 235
2140 Holbrook, Hamtramck
(just E. of the I-75 Holbrook exit)
Please bring canned food for those working the picket line.
Posted by
Lou Novak
6:45 AM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Detroit Greens Meeting
We'll be meeting on Thursday, March 6 at 6:30pm
at Central United Methodist Church
23 East Adams at Woodward Ave
Detroit MI
Detroit Greens Meeting Info
Posted by
Lou Novak
6:51 PM