Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
A step in the right direction
The city of Detroit has taken the first step in closing down the trash incinerator, informing the company running the facility that its lease will not be renewed.
Great news for the city and the environment!
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:25 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Dalai Lama wants to join the Green Party
Came across this at Green News and Opinion.
The Dalai Lama said this in Ann Arbor. Does that mean the Green Party of Michigan has a new member?
Posted by
Lou Novak
8:20 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Why we must shut down the Detroit Waste Incinerator
Call or e-mail Detroit City Council members to STICK WITH THEIR RESOLUTION to support a new waste model for Detroit.
Ask Council members to
--Allocate money to begin a pilot curbside recycling program and other projects to ramp up RECYCLING and INVESTMENT IN NEW JOBS and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT related to resource recovery THIS YEAR;
--REJECT the Administration's current consideration of BUYING BACK the incinerator and extending contracts to keep the incinerator going for four more years. Why buy back the plant to buy time to plan for future recycling?
Council's budget deadline for offering amendments to the Mayor's proposed budget-which continues the status quo -is tomorrow, Friday,May 23.
Thanks for your help in getting a new waste plan for Detroit!
***Council members to contact first
***Council President Ken Cockrel, Jr., 224-4505
***Council President Pro-tem Monica Conyers, 224-4530
Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, 224-4535
***Councilwoman Sheila Cockrel, 224-1337
***Councilwoman Barbara-Rose Collins, 224-1298
***Councilman Kwame Kenyatta, 224-1198
***Councilwoman Alberta Tinsley-Talabi, 224-1645
Councilwoman Martha Reeves, 224-4510
Councilwoman Brenda Jones, 224-1245
Posted by
Lou Novak
9:03 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
McKinney brings Green Party race to Detroit
The Michigan Citizen covers Cynthia McKinney's visit to Detroit.
The Metro Times on the Truth Commission for Water Rights, the event that opened her appearances in the Detroit area.
Posted by
Lou Novak
8:37 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Moratorium NOW Coalition to Stop Foreclosures Meeting the Saturday
Coalition Meeting
Saturday, May 17, 2 PM
Central United Methodist Church
23 E. Adams, Detroit
Update from the
Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions
phone: 313-319-0870
We can stop foreclosures in Michigan! But only a mass movement can do it – by winning passage of Senate Bill 1306 (a 2-year moratorium on foreclosures) introduced by Senator Hansen Clarke last week. You can be sure the bill will go nowhere unless every progressive group and individual gets out organizing – leading up to a huge occupation of people outside the Capitol. With hundreds of thousands of foreclosures in Michigan this is possible. The bankers have already denounced the bill. Will you take on these bankers with us?
Come to the Coalition Meeting
Saturday, May 17, 2 PM
at the Central United Methodist Church, 23 E. Adams (at Woodward), Detroit
Statewide Office for the Moratorium NOW! is now open
The Moratorium NOW! Coalition now has a state-wide office. The Grand Opening was on Monday, May 12. It will serve as the nerve center for building the grassroots, mass movement that is needed to win the 2-year moratorium. We thank Rev. Rowe of the Central United Methodist Church and the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization for making this happen.
Location: 4th floor of the Central United Methodist Church, 23 E. Adams, Detroit
Hours: Monday-Friday, 11 AM - 3 PM
Hours will certainly expand as the movement picks up steam.
We need organizing centers around the state
Every city, every town and every village in this state needs to be organized! Become an organizing center. It's not hard, and we will help you in any way that we can. Call 313-319-0870 today!
Already, the Moratorium NOW! coalition has an organizing center in Benton Harbor. If you live in or near Benton Harbor, please contact Pastor L. Andre Golliday, of the World Embassy Church, at 269-325-7816, to get involved in this very important campaign.
Email your elected state representatives
We have made it easy to do. Go to and click on the
JOIN the Email Campaign for a Moratorium NOW link.
Then call your own state senator and representative repeatedly, and insist that they support Sen. Clarke's bill calling for a 2-year moratorium on foreclosures. The phone numbers are available at the website.
"The Foreclosure Crisis: What Can We Do About It?"
Senator Hansen Clarke will be giving a speech "The Foreclosure Crisis: What Can We Do About It?", the Saturday, May 17, at 10 AM at the Royal Oak Community Center, 3500 Marais, Royal Oak.
Leaflets and Background info
Get leaflets and background material on the foreclosure crisis at the Moratorium NOW! website. We will post them as soon as they becomes available.
A Home is a Right!,
Mike Shane
Moratorium NOW! Coalition
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:50 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cynthia McKinney to visit Detroit May 3-5
Cynthia McKinney who is seeking the Green Party nomination for President, will be appearing here in Detroit this weekend.
On Saturday, she'll sit on the Truth Commission on Water Rights, hosted by the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization. (flyer)
That evening from 7 - 9 pm, Cynthia will be at a public event to be held at Friends School in Detroit, 1100 St. Aubin Street Detroit, MI 48207-2896
On Sunday afternoon, a fundraising event will be held at Central United Methodist Church, 23 East Adams at Woodward Ave. (flyer)
Stay tuned for more details and events as they are scheduled.
In the meantime, visit
Posted by
Lou Novak
9:31 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Green Party of MI selects Convention Delegates
McKinney Wins 13 of 19 Statewide Votes for 1st Ballot at GPUS Convention July 10-13 in Chicago; 3 for Nader; 1 Each for Mesplay, Swift, Uncommitted; Locals Will Pick, Instruct 5 More Delegates
Party Starting Drives to Boost Membership, Recruit Record Number of Candidates; Will Post "Announced" Candidates List Online by May 13 to Help Groups Considering Endorsements
more here.
Posted by
Lou Novak
6:59 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
April 18th rally to support AAM strikers
Click here to view the rally flyer
UAW members and supporters will rally at 11:30 am on April 18th at Detroit’s Hart Plaza to support striking workers at American Axle.
More than 3,500 UAW members from UAW Locals 235, 262 and 2093 in Michigan and UAW Locals 424 and 826 in New York have been on strike since February 26 to protest unfair labor practices.
“The support our members have received during this strike is overwhelming,” said UAW President Ron Gettelfinger. “We’ve heard from members of the clergy, from local businesses, from community leaders - and of course from UAW members and the entire labor movement.”
“Our rally on April 18th will be a great time to show solidarity with American Axle strikers, and to demonstrate support for keeping manufacturing jobs here in the United States,” said Gettelfinger.
“Even business publications, like the Automotive News, can’t understand how American Axle can justify giving pay raises to executives while demanding pay cuts from workers,” said UAW Vice President James Settles Jr., who directs the union’s American Axle Department.
“In addition to their unjustified economic demands,” said Settles, “AAM has refused to provide us the information we need for bargaining, and has illegally cut off disability payments and health care for injured workers, as well as compensation — including health care– for laid off workers. That’s why this is an unfair labor practices strike.”
“Our members at American Axle are standing up for what’s right - and we’re inviting our entire community to stand with us on April 18th at Hart Plaza.”
Click Here for more information about the rally from the U.A.W.’s Main Site
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:44 AM
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Film Showing: The Water Front
THE WATER FRONT is a newly released documentary with a gripping plot following a post industrial community in their struggle against water privatization. The sound track includes the soulful tunes of Detroit bluesman Joe L. Carter’s and resonates with anyone who uses their water tap and takes pride in their home.
-- --
Date: Wednesday April 9th, 2008, 6:30 – 7:30 (film) Panel following 7:30 – 8:30
Admission: FREE
Location: 1500 SSB (Social Science Bldg), University of Michigan-Dearborn
UM-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn, MI,
Panel: Marian Kramer & Maureen Taylor of Welfare Rights, Diana Seales of East Michigan Environmental Action Council,director Liz Miller, film producer and urban planner Curtis D. Smith, Detroit bluesman Joe L. Carter
Contact: Bruce Pietrykowski 313-593-5096 Liz Miller – 860.922.3995
Curtis D. Smith 313.590.6317
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:10 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Shut it down!
If for no other reason than the increased rates of asthma and other respiratory diseases in the area, the Detroit incinerator must be shut down.
If for no other reason than the over 1 Billion dollars of Detroit taxpayers money that has literally gone up in smoke, the Detroit incinerator must be shut down.
If for no other reason than it consumes much of the valuable waste that would otherwise feed the recycling stream, the Detroit incinerator must be shut down.
Shut it down!
The big burn (Metro Times Detroit)
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:32 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Southeastern Michigan Greens Get Together, Sunday in Ferndale
Southeastern Michigan Greens Get Together -- March 30 -- 2 - 5 pm
All Greens and their family, neighbors and friends are invited for a
Southeastern Michigan Greens get together.
Snacks provided. Those who want to can go out together for
dinner afterwards.
Kulick Community Center
1201 Livernois, Fendale MI 48220
(between 8 and 9 Mile Roads)
Proposed discussions include:
Discussion of the current political and economic situation in the nation,
state and locally and Green responses
The Cynthia McKinney Presidential Campaign
Information on the Ralph Nader Presidential campaign
Any other Green presidential campaigns
Targeting local and statewide races
Proposals for common work and actions
We will work up an agenda and times based on who is there and what they
want to talk about and work together on.
See you there.
Fred Vitale
State Chairperson
Posted by
Lou Novak
7:57 AM